Nathan is now rolling over, from his back to his stomach, though he does still get stuck halfway a lot, with his legs twisted one way and his head the other.
He is also a sweet, sensitive little guy. Every time Audrey cries he gets a pouty look on his face and joins in. Rarely do we only have one child crying in our house.
Curtis was commenting on how drooly Nathan is, wonder how a little guy could get his shirt so wet. He parents that next Sunday said Curtis was a drool bucket too. His shirt was constantly sopping wet. Ha, ha! Now we can blame it on him.
His laugh is so cute. He does this inhale squeal thing that get all of us laughing too. He especially loves watching his big sister. All it takes is for her to walk towards him and he just beams and wiggles with delight. He is such a joy. I love him so much.
I call him chubba-bubba and he turns knowing his mama is talking to him. My little man is already 4 months old.
Curtis took this picture at the park this past week. I love it.