I'm not sure what happened to June, but we are having a busy July!

I won free tickets to the American Idol concert. It was a lot of fun to see them in real life, but this concert was not as fantastic as the U2 concert (though I probably don't even have to say that).

We went to the Gibby cabin with all of Curtis's siblings and had a great time just hanging out, riding ATVs, swimming and Curtis even got to golf!

We had a little scare when the ATV Audrey was sharing decided to try to go down a cliff. Luckily the driver was smart enough to aim for a tree. Everyone was scared but no one was hurt. We think Audrey squeezed the accelerator when we got a little nervous and the machine took off. We always wear helmets!
Curtis and I took at trip to Moab to celebrate our 8th Anniversary.

We stayed in a little camping cabin and took a rafting trip down the river (we used a coupon for the rafting and for dinner, hee, hee, we're so cheap). It was nice having a break and we are so grateful to my mom for watching the kids.
I painted Audrey's room pink. I started it on a Saturday and it took several weeks to find the time to complete it and her room still isn't completely put back together. She loves it though!

We also went to an extended Gibby camp out in Croydon, UT. Curtis's cousins, the Wildes, live and ranch there. They help with the annual Widow Maker dirt bike race where crazy bikers race up one of the steepest slopes possible.

We got to see piglets and bummer lambs.

Then we went on a ATV ride up Wilde Mountain (yes, they own it). It was beautiful.

Audrey started off riding with me. I heard a girl crying and looked ahead at Emma C., she wasn't crying. I looked behind me at Emma W., she wasn't crying. I couldn't figure it out, so I kept riding. Then I realized it was Audrey. She was still traumatized by the last ATV incident. She did a lot better in the ranger with the other kids.

We rode for 3 hours (about 2 hours longer than I had planned). We were dirty and burned, but had a great time.

The kids played with cousins, ate snow cones, watched a movie projected onto a screen hung on a big truck and had their fill of sweets.