This morning I was reading and singing "Five Little Ducks" to Audrey and Nathan. Then Audrey got an idea. "Mom, can we put ducks in our pond?" So I told her the story about when I was young and had ducks and how they pooped so much. Then she had an even better idea, "Daddy can make robot ducks 'cause they don't poop!"

I spent a couple hours cleaning out our pond on Saturday. It was really gross. There were families of worms living in the sludge. We took several trips to the back fence dumping all the gook and slime. Now I need to buy some pool paint to repaint everything that peeled off, then we'll be ready to learn about all the chemical needed to keep fish alive and algae dead. I also need to build a short picket fence and gate across that side of the yard to keep the kids out. Audrey is very excited to have a fish pond, but I don't think it will be a duck pond unless Curtis want to learn how to make waterproof, floating robots. =)