Last weekend we went camping with the extended Gibby family. This was the first time we'd been camping since I was pregnant with Audrey. We went on a little hike to a stream, ate s'mores, played with cousins (Audrey's favorite part) and told stories around the camp fire, all the good camping stuff.

My favorite little story from camping:
Curtis took the kids on a short hike up the hill. At a fork in the trail Audrey stopped and said, "I wonder what's down that isle?"
We now know we have a city girl who learns everything from her mom. =)
When we first arrived I was making a dutch oven dinner and Curtis came and started helping me. I thought to myself, "Wow, this is nice. I didn't even ask." Curtis then said, "I think this is the first vacation we've taken together that I haven't brought my computer." That's why he was helping! It was so nice having a husband who wasn't distracted by technology all weekend!
We had a great time. I will definitely want to do it again next year.