Curtis and I both Turned 30!

He got me an iphone, so now my boys sit like this all the time:
I got him U2 tickets!
We had an AWESOME time. My mom watched the kids for us. We didn't get home until 1:30am. I think concerts like this are for the young, we were wiped, but had a wonderful time.
We had a big birthday party. We filled our backyard with lots of friends and family. What a way to celebrate 30 years of life! =)

We fixed up all our bikes and Nathan earned a big boy bike! He does really well. In his words, he "rides around and around and around!" The weather has been so cold and wet all month that we have only been able to go on a couple of rides as a family.
He got me an iphone, so now my boys sit like this all the time:
We had a big birthday party. We filled our backyard with lots of friends and family. What a way to celebrate 30 years of life! =)
We fixed up all our bikes and Nathan earned a big boy bike! He does really well. In his words, he "rides around and around and around!" The weather has been so cold and wet all month that we have only been able to go on a couple of rides as a family.
We discovered a new park in Alpine that has several parks designed to make you throw-up.
Though Claire is not quite crawling, she can get ANYWHERE she wants
and often gets stuck under the chairs.
I've started eating better again. I don't think I'll go as crazy as I did before, but I have ballooned since eating like most people do, so I know I just can't live that way.
Green smoothies are back on the menu.
Even Claire loves them and believe it or not Audrey has been requesting them.
I've also started making my own bread and grinding my own wheat. I found a K-Tec Grain Mill on KSL for $15. The whole family loves the bread I make. Audrey says, "Yes! You're making bread again!" The recipe I use is here: http://www.simplehealthyta
Her whole blog is packed with great whole food recipes.
We have also been enjoying Bountiful Baskets.
And the kids love mangoes. I can't cut them quick enough.
I have cute kids and I enjoy being their mom.