Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Third Trimester

So this pregnancy thing has caught up to me. I am not uncomfortable yet, in that I don't feel like I'm going to pop, but I am exhausted! I feel like resting most of the day and my brain works so slowly. The doctor says I am anemic and I have low blood pressure, which is probably why I feel so drained. I feel like a bad mom, housekeeper and wife, I'm pretty useless dragging around the house all day. I sure hope I get more energy when the baby is born, but then I will be up all night, so there's no light at the end of the tunnel yet.

A couple of weeks ago I had the worst pelvic pain. I felt like I was being stabbed every time I took a step. I got a couple of adjustments from my dad and I now sleep with a pillow between my knees. It is so much better. If it does hurt, it just feels a little bruised.

That's not too bad if those are my only complaints about pregnancy. I am really lucky to have no major problems. 8 more weeks until we meet this precious one.


Julie Jardine said...

I found the pillow between my legs helped me a lot too! And you should get one of those gopher picker-upper things. I LOVE mine. No bending over! It really helps me to keep my house (at least sortof) picked up.
Good luck here in the last stretch.

Becky said...

I thought I had heard you were pregnant and finally got around to checking your blog--congratulations Sarah!! I hope your final weeks go well for you. Best Wishes!!