Monday, March 22, 2010

Baby Names

(I just realized this post makes it sound like we are having a boy. Just for your information, we have decided to make this baby a surprise, we won't know what we are having until we are holding him/her in our arms, at least that's the plan right now.)

We have had a girl name chosen for a while (Claire Rebecca). There are so many pretty girl names it is easy. But naming a boy is just so hard! Most names bring to mind an old man, a nerdy boy, or a mean bully. Last night I came up with a short list of qualifications for names that we will definitely follow. I really do not want to offend anyone, so I apologize ahead of time if I do, I just want to share my opinion.

1. If you can eat it, don't name your child after it. (i.e. Colby, Kale)
2. Destinations do not a good name make. (i.e. Austin, Phoenix, Paris)
3. Unisex names are just confusing, I don't want to put my child through that. (i.e. Jaden, Riley)

The Gibbys also have a rule of no weird names. I really don't want to miss out on Christmas presents because no one knows how to pronounce my child's name, so we are trying to find a name that is classic, but not overly used, not too nerdy, and not a fad name. Good thing we have more than 5 months to decide.

Right now we are leaning towards Seth. I love the name Everett after my great-grandpa, but Curtis says it's too weird, so it will probably end up as a middle name.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


So I took a nap today. I actually fell asleep, which is rare for me.
When I woke up, I looked over and saw this:

I'm glad he decided not to decorate my face along with the pillow.
And this is what the living room looked like:

Yesterday I took a rest too. Right as I was about to fall asleep he came to me saying: "Knees! Knees!" He was squishy and wet from his hips to his ankles. I assumed the worst and brought him to the bathroom to clean him up. Surprisingly, he smelled good, like fruit! I got him cleaned up, went downstairs and discovered the table and our Upwords game completely covered in the smoothie I had left out from his breakfast.

I'm starting to wonder if napping is worth it at all! =)

Our "New" Swing Set

There has been a swing set in our neighborhood, on a trailer, sitting on the side of the road since last fall. Every time I drove by it I wondered if maybe they didn't want it anymore and they'd be willing to sell it to us. I never had the courage to do it. I told Curtis about my lack of courage and last week he stopped by the house and asked them about it. Their grandchildren, who they got it for, had moved away and they had never set it up. He would have to ask his wife. Saturday was a yucky weather day, so last night we walked down to the house as a family and Curtis offered $20, which they took. Then they hooked the trailer to their truck and drove it to our house. The kids are so excited to have a swing set! And I am so excited to not have to pay for and put together a new one! And it is twice as big as the one I was thinking of buying! I am so proud of my brave husband. Now we just need to level it and cement it in place.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring is in the Air!

Babies babies everywhere!
OK, really just my new nephew Gray and our baby chicks.

Gray was six days late. We were all a little impatient to meet him, but not as impatient as Elise. Poor girl. But she had a perfect labor when it finally did start.

Scott and Elise will be great parents.

I surprised the kids with baby chicks on Saturday.

Audrey and Nathan are having so much fun with them.
They are a little scared to hold them, but Audrey checks on them every 15 minutes.
Currently they are living in a box in the shower downstairs with a heating lamp.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Oh, Utah...You are Such a Tease!

Earlier this week the sun was shining and it was starting to get warm. I was getting excited about going for walks and riding my bike. I decided to wear flip flops yesterday to celebrate the nice weather. The sun shined until about noon and then we got this:

Audrey can't wait to build a snowman.
It's beautiful, but now I have to actually put on shoes again.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

What a Whirlwind!

I think things have settled down around here enough to tell everyone about Curtis's job whirlwind that happened last week.We were blown away by how much both of these companies wanted Curtis.
Here is a summary of the goings on: Affiliate Alliance offered Curtis a position less than a week after he started at Sound Concepts. SC raised their offer by just enough for us to feel it was worth it to stay close to home. Only a couple of hours after Curtis turned down AA's offer, they increased the offer to where we just couldn't refuse. Curtis told SC he decided to accept AA's offer and started on Monday in Salt Lake. On his way home from work, SC called and basically matched AA's offer. So now after telling both companies yes and no and yes again, he is now working close to home with a raise that we never, ever expected. The best of both worlds!
It is such a relief, like I can finally breath freely, to have Curtis finally making what he should be and to have a normal American salary. What a blessing! I am already planning out how to spend all this money (poor Curtis). I want a new bike, a trip to Disneyland, a bigger car, and then I plan on getting my jugulars fixed, even if it means going to Poland (but I am hoping for the clinical trial at Stanford to be approved). Oh, and I've planned out a "Babymoon" in my head, but I haven't told Curtis about it yet.
I am so proud of Curtis and so grateful for all that has happened. Without being laid-off, Curtis never would have found this job or gotten such an awesome raise. We are going to make it! I wasn't so sure before. I know I still need to be careful with money and save for a rainy day, but it's nice basking in the sun after such a rainy season. =)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Funny Nathan

I came home from a meeting on Saturday and found this:

I don't think Curtis realized what a mess blueberries are, but they sure had fun.

Audrey was telling me the "Boo-who" "Don't cry" knock knock joke over and over again the other day. Nathan figured it out and instead of saying "Don't cry, it's only a joke" he said "Don't cry, I will help you!" Such a sweet boy.

Another funny thing he has been doing: I stopped the car in front of some horses that were close to the fence and said, "Nathan look at the horsies! Say hi!" He happily said, "Hi, I'm Nathan! Hi!...I'm Nathan!!!" He did this to the fish at the pet store yesterday too.

He is talking so much, but half the time we don't understand what he is saying. Several weeks ago he said he wanted to watch WallyPop. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what movie had lollipops in it. Finally, days and a tantrum later Audrey said she wanted to watch Wall-E and Nathan got all excited. "WallyPop! WallyPop!" I have no idea where he got the pop from but we figured it out.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Just Showing Off My Cute Kids

These were taken at Target in February.
Nathan age 25 months
Audrey age 4 and 1/2 years