Saturday, April 30, 2011


This year I asked the kids if they wanted candy and silly little toys in their Easter baskets or if they wanted one really nice toy. A little to my surprise and yet relief, they both wanted one nice toy. It made Easter a lot easier and they are both so happy with what they chose.

Nathan got a big Buzz Lightyear. "Like my friend Jacob!", he says.
And Audrey got a Lady Bug pillow pet.

Claire loves both. You can't beat a nice snuggly pillow and a new make out buddy.

The kids helped me paint and decorate these 2x4s. (My first Easter decorations!)

We also got to do 3 different Easter egg hunts, one with the Shefchik cousins, one with the Gibby cousins and one with all the neighborhood kids at the park next door. I planned the neighborhood one and it went really well. We plan on doing it again next year.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Tyler decided that there isn't an Easter bunny (which also means everything else is faked too) because of this "one large gift". I guess I better talk to him so he doesn't blow it for the other kids.