Thursday, December 9, 2010


After I went to bed last night I realized I saw numbness and tingling and itchy skin as a side effect of Plavix. Maybe that is what explains the sensations I explained last night. I guess we'll see if they go away in a couple of weeks.

So here's a list of all the possible side effects. Sometimes it seems like the side effects are worse than the symptoms you're treating, but I'd rather have a little bit of tingling and tiredness than a blood clot.

Common side effects of Plavix Oral:

Acute Infection of the Nose, Throat or SinusSevere
Chest PainSevere
Large Purple or Brown Skin BlotchesSevere
IndigestionLess Severe
Joint PainLess Severe
BackacheLess Severe
DizzyLess Severe
Flu-Like SymptomsLess Severe
Head PainLess Severe
Stomach CrampsLess Severe

Infrequent side effects of Plavix Oral:

High Blood PressureSevere
Atrial FibrillationSevere
Bleeding of the Stomach or IntestinesSevere
Urinary Tract InfectionSevere
Feeling FaintSevere
Visible Water RetentionSevere
Heart Throbbing or PoundingSevere
Trouble BreathingSevere
DepressionLess Severe
Inflammation of the NoseLess Severe
Incomplete or Infrequent Bowel MovementsLess Severe
EczemaLess Severe
ItchingLess Severe
Skin UlcerLess Severe
Leg CrampsLess Severe
Chronic Trouble SleepingLess Severe
Low EnergyLess Severe
NumbnessLess Severe
RashLess Severe
CoughLess Severe
Feel Like Throwing UpLess Severe
Throwing UpLess Severe
DiarrheaLess Severe
Numbness and TinglingLess Severe
Feeling WeakLess Severe
AnxiousLess Severe

Rare side effects of Plavix Oral:

Retinal HemorrhageSevere
Hemorrhage from the Conjunctiva of the EyeSevere
Eye HemorrhageSevere
Hemorrhage Within the SkullSevere
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic PurpuraSevere
Abnormally Low Blood PressureSevere
Interstitial PneumonitisSevere
Painful, Red or Swollen MouthSevere
Stomach UlcerSevere
Ulcer of the DuodenumSevere
Ulcer from Stomach AcidSevere
Inflammation of the Large IntestineSevere
Acute Liver FailureSevere
Acute Inflammation of the PancreasSevere
Kidney DiseaseSevere
Abnormally Long or Heavy PeriodsSevere
Inflammation of the Skin with BlistersSevere
Erythema MultiformeSevere
Toxic Epidermal NecrolysisSevere
Stevens-Johnson SyndromeSevere
Abnormal Liver Function TestsSevere
Life Threatening Allergic ReactionSevere
Giant HivesSevere
Allergic Reaction caused by a DrugSevere
Allergic Reaction causing Serum SicknessSevere
Acquired Decrease of All Cells in the BloodSevere
Low Blood Counts due to Bone Marrow FailureSevere
Decreased Blood PlateletsSevere
Deficiency of Granulocytes a Type of White Blood CellSevere
Decreased White Blood CellsSevere
Decreased Neutrophils a Type of White Blood CellSevere
Skin Disease Characterized by Swollen Itching LesionsLess Severe
Muscle PainLess Severe
FeverLess Severe
Taste ProblemsLess Severe
Collection of Clotted Blood in an Organ, Space or TissueLess Severe

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