For those of you who are not on Facebook, this is a "tag" that has been going around. I thought it was fun and decided to post it here in my blog too. Enjoy! =)
1. When I was 20, I threw up for the first time (that I could remember) and had my first kiss, both a couple weeks apart. My thought after each experience was exactly the same, "Hmmm... that was interesting." (It was the guy's fault: three word for you, "Triple GAG!" (inside joke). =)
2. I have given birth with an epidural and completely natural. I prefer natural.
3. I gutted fish in Alaska for a summer. Talk about a job that stinks! =) I worked 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, but really did have a good time.
4. I once had to bring a date to Temple Square for a Young Women's Activity. I asked 8 guys in one day, all said no. I brought my sister.
5. My hidden talent is blowing up balloons. I can blow up any size or shape with ease. I once filled a boy's room up with 500 balloons to ask him to a dance.
6. I am the fix-it person in our home. I even laid tile when Nathan was only 6 weeks old.
7. I enjoy creating, whether it's sewing, gardening, remodeling or having babies. I guess I like being busy. I want to try my hand at furniture-making now that I got a saw for Christmas.
8. I backpacked around Europe for 6 weeks with a good friend, 5 shirts and 2 pairs of pants. I hope to continue traveling the world when my kids are older.
9. At the first ward "Meet and Greet" the year I met Curtis, I had a little check list in my head of "potentials." When I met him and his roommates I thought in my head, "Nope... nope... nope... nope." to each one. It was not love at first sight, but now he is my best friend and I couldn't live without him.
10. I have always wanted to sing well. I took lessons for a couple years, but now I know I really am not very good, but I still have dreams that I make it through to Hollywood on American Idol. Once I even came in 2nd in a dream!
11. I went 8 years without having chocolate, now I'm lucky if I go 8 hours. =)
12. I am a bargain hunter. If there is something I want and it is too expensive I can usually figure out how to get it a whole lot cheaper. It even becomes an obsession if I really want it.
13. I never had a crush on more than 1 person at a time. (Oh, and none of my crushes are married yet. Maybe it wasn't me!) ;)
14. I do not like dogs. I told Curtis when we first started dating that my husband would have to choose between me or a dog. He chose me.
15. According to my doctor I can "push like a beaver." At least that's what he said after Audrey was born.
16. I know I want at least 4 kids, so I can still drive a Mazda 5 or another smaller 6 passenger vehicle. If I have a 5th I would have to drive a big minivan! Silly reason to not want 5 kids, I know.
17. I beat every boy I arm wrestled in High School and though you probably don't need to ask, I can beat Curtis no problem, too.
18. I paid for college and room and board basically all on my own, no scholarships. My mom gave me $500 per semester and I worked 2 jobs to pay for everything else. I had one small student loan allowing me to study abroad in London, but paid it off with my first paycheck when I graduated.
19. My downfall is cookies, soft home-baked cookies. Need I say more? That makes me want to go make some right now.
20. I don't have many secrets. If you ask, I tell.
21. I used Curtis as a project for a college class. I had to change a behavior without the other person knowing about it. I planned to help him dress better. I had graphs and charts about holes in his socks and how big his clothes were. (He was wearing XXL shirts! He is a S or M!) There were times I was embarrassed to be with him and his stone washed, tapered jeans. He does a lot better now, after I went through his closet and threw out half of his wardrobe.
22. In high school I did Marching band (baritone), Jazz band (trombone), Wind Symphony (bassoon), choir, Track and Field (shot put, I can't run to save my life), swim team and drama.
23. I still claim to be a Yooper, but when asked where I'm from I usually say American Fork. "Say ya to da U.P., eh!"
24. I am always calling Audrey by a different "nickname" like Audrey-loo-who, Sugar Doodle, Love Bug, Honey Bunny, Loogy, Loo-Loo, and Sugar Booger. I don't know why, something different just always comes out, but she responds to it and usually does what I ask.
25. This past year I have started blogging, reading blogs and using Facebook. I really enjoy it. I feel less isolated and it helps me keep up with old and new friends.