In one week I...
change 56 diapers
make 13 meals
wash 26 pots
say "Nathan, leave her alone!" 4809 times
do 4 loads of laundry
spend 29 hours holding a beautiful baby
load and unload the dishwasher 5 times
pick up 103 train tracks
get 27 hours of sleep
spend 18 hours breastfeeding
have 10 night time feedings
kiss Curtis at least 40 times
cut 80 fingernails and toenails (at least I should)
clean up 11 cups of spilled milk or water
get kids dressed 84 times
sweep the floor 6 times
check Facebook 16 times
start 3 different projects
finish 1
kiss 23 boo-boos
drink 35 glasses of water
go to the store at least 2 times
have a list of 41 things I should do, but don't
eat 1,647 calories too many
watch Toy Story 1, 2 or 3 or Cars 8 times
wipe 163 messy/snotty faces
...just to name a few.
No wonder why I'm tired.
And yet I know I am not out of the ordinary, so many moms do so much more.
FYI, I was interrupted 24 times before I finished this blog entry and 78% of it was written with one hand.